The Fiction Factory Blog
What’s coming your way in 2021
Well, 2020 was a … year. Good riddance to that bag of tripe. Though I was perhaps more fortunate than others given my location here on Vancouver Island, and by working for myself, but it was still one hell of a slog from January to Dec.
I’m not going to dwell on anything 2020-related. That’s why I only stuck to the good stuff in my yearly montage last week. Continuing along that vein, let’s look forwards to 2021, and all the good stuff that’s coming your way.
Mas Libros!
For those of you like Ron Burgundy who don’t speak Spanish: MORE BOOKS. Just like last year, this year’s all about books.
Heavy Lies The Crown is the sequel to the new Forever King and book 2 in The Scalussen Chronicles. I’m beavering away on that as we speak. The cover is coming shortly, too!
In the meantime, I’m also working on the book I’m co-authoring with phenomenon David Estes. It’s currently called Blades of Tarlena and it is so weird but dark and awesome and I’m loving working on it.
My goal is also to tackle book 3 of The Scalussen Chronicles as well, and hopefully finish that by the end of the year. That’s called To Kill A God, and it’s going to be one mental finale to this new series. I might not know the path there, but I know how it’s going to end.
I’m also still tinkering with my super secret project Dread Rising. That’ll one day see the light of day. I’ve also got this burning need to write a book called The Dead Men, which is an idea that burrowed into my head over December and refuses to come out.
To help you awesome people get signed copies without expensive shipping from here in Canada, I’m releasing bookplates next week. These are square stickers you can put in any book, signed and stamped by me. They’re much easier and cheaper, and though not quite the real deal, the more options, the merrier.
Emaneska Hardbacks
Whether I have the time to do a Kickstarter this year, or whether I just get it done myself, this will be the year that hardbacks of The Written, Pale Kings, and Dead Stars appear. My plan is to create illustrated editions to celebrate 10 years of Emaneska. These will be individual hardbacks for definite and possibly a big ole omnibus edition, too. I’m planning these for spring.
Today I got to announce the news I’ve been sitting on for a week or two now. I’ve just signed a deal with the excellent Podium Audio to produce The Scalussen Chronicles in audiobook! We’re working out narrators and schedules, etc, but you will be able to listen to The Forever King in audio format later this year. So pleased.
Work smarter not harder
I worked hard last year, and I mean haaaaard. I think it was my way of coping, I think. The schedule I put in place at the start of last year to maximise writing time was spot on. However, it was a difficult year to trial it in. It ended up being an excuse to just work, work, work, and then work some more. I felt a pressure of productivity I’ve never felt, and despite my few respites, it actually became too much. it was only until the Forever King launch in December that I realised I need to chill the fuck out. That’s why, for the last few weeks, I’ve been doing nothing but creative and enjoyable stuff: writing, gaming, painting minis, even drawing, as you might have seen. It was a reminder that my true joy comes from creativity (and travel, but I can’t do that right now!) and I really needed that reminder. That’s why I’m making more time for creativity and less on admin in 2021.
Illustrations and arty stuff
When I was but a smaller human, when I wasn’t writing or reading, I was drawing. Over Dec, I dabbled with some sketches both digital and on paper, and frickin loved it. Each week, I’m going to draw… something. Mostly scenes from Emaneska and Chasing Graves. Here’s the first attempt: Farden approaching Carn Breagh in The Written.

And breathe. That’s a lot to accomplish this year, but I’m determined as always. What else is there to do at the moment but stay indoors and make the most of lockdown, right?
Hope you’re excited. I certainly am. Stay tuned to social media for daily updates and stay safe out there, peeps.
My 2020
As is traditional, here’s a montage of my 2020. From Mexico, Yellowknife, to the wilds, and releasing a new Emaneska book, despite the craziness of 2020, it somehow ended up productive and informative. This really isn’t supposed to be boastful, but looking purely on the good side of what was a strange, difficult, and frankly mad year. Also find out what’s coming your way in 2021 😎🤘 new books, special edition, audiobooks, more Emaneska. It’s going to be an exciting trip around the sun.
Ben’s Books
The Forever King Lives!
If somehow you haven’t got reception in your cave, The Forever King is out and live and ready to buy on Amazon in paperback, hardcover and ebook 🤘Have a look at the paperback and one inordinately excited author.
Ben’s Books
The Forever King – Epic Nordic Fantasy
The Forever King launches TODAY! I’m so excited, I had to make myself a trailer for this brand new book. Get a copy at: This has taken a year and a half of work. It’s the biggest book I’ve ever written, and it hits the shelf exactly 10 years after my debut book The Written. It gives me enormous pleasure to be able to say that The Forever King is now live and available to buy and devour. I just want to say thank you for everyone’s support through this journey back into Emaneska. You lot really do keep me writing. I hope I’ve done this new chapter justice, and I hope you enjoy Mithrid’s story. Keep safe out there.
Ben’s Books
watch people die inside – 41 [reupload]
Ben’s Books
What the hell is The Forever King about?
Well here we are: barely days away from the launch of book 6 in the Emaneska world. My 14th book overall, as it happens. (I promise I will sleep then I get to 15).
Because we’re so close, I wanted to give you all the deets on what The Forever King is about, what you can expect, and why I’m fidgeting around my apartment with abject excitement.

The Forever King is and isn’t a sequel
The Forever King is set in the same world as my nordic Emaneska Series, 20 years after its epic conclusion. BUT WAIT. It’s also the start of a new series – the Scalussen Chronicles. This means it can be read without reading the Emaneska Series. All the new characters act as a vehicle to introduce the existing world and bring you up to speed as swift as a squirrel on meth. So for you returning readers, it’s going to be a fresh look at a new Emaneska, and for new readers, you’re in for a real ride/education/bloodbath.
It’s set 20 years after Emaneska
A lot has gone down since the Emaneska Series ended, some familiar people have disappeared. Some people have changed. Some people have gotten OLD. And some haven’t…
It’s darker and fiercer than ever
Fear not – I haven’t piled on the doom and gloom and gone depressing grimdark. Instead, the stakes are higher, the action is more visceral, and the implications for Emaneska are direr than ever before. You know me – I’m not one for romance or erotica. There’s almost no romance at all in The Forever King, but it is certainly more brutal, chaotic, and adult despite the fact it’s led by a YA character.
Meet Mithrid
You may have noticed from the cover or blurb that there’s a new main character in Emaneska: Mithrid Fenn. She’s the young badass on the cover and is the POV that welcomes you into this new-ish world. She’s a fire-haired cliff brat from Hâlorn on the western coast of Emaneska, and thanks to the empire’s ban on magick, hers is a tranquil life spent playing games on the wild shores. When an illegal spellbook washes up after a storm, she is dragged into a war that has silently raged for decades.
The Forever King launches on The Written’s 10th birthday
I swear I didn’t plan it, but as it happens, this new chapter of Emaneska will hit the shelves exactly 10 years to the day since The Written – book one – was launched.
It’s part revenge story, part siege epic
That’s right. Think John Wick meets Kingdom of Heaven. The Battle of Helm’s Deep meets The Joker. Vengeful Mithrid drives one half of the story, and an epic siege drives the other half. We’ve had battles aplenty in the Emaneska Series. The Forever King needed a different stage, and that ended up as a siege story where the situation grows tenser each passing day.
Farden will return
If you think that because there’s a new main character in the, there will be no Farden in The Forever King, you are sorely mistaken. How dare you. You might have to wait a while to see him in action, but he’s back.
When can you get it?
The Forever King launches December 1st (in like 4 godsdamned days). It will be launching on Amazon in ebook, paperback, and hardback. You’ll also be able to get the physical copies from all local and major bookshops, online and offline. Try out as well.
YES THERE WILL BE HARDBACKS. I’m publishing both at the same time, so you can either get a 5.5×8.5 paperback at 665 pages, or a 6×9 hardback at 600 pages.
The Forever King is a beast
One of the reasons this book took me over a year to write was the fact the story kept getting bigger and bigger. With the wider range of characters, extra info to remind existing readers and explain to new readers, and the fact it’s an epic fantasy, Mithrid’s tale is the largest of the Emaneska books. If you’ve seen the cover spread on my Fb page, you will know it’s a chonk of a book.
You’ve got 4 days left to pre-order your ebook copy on Amazon if you want to get it the second The Forever King comes out. Click it like it’s hot. If you want paperback or hardback copies, then they will appear on launch day, Dec 1. Follow me on Amazon to be notified.
In the meantime, I’m also giving away a KINDLE. Hell yeah. You’ve got 4 days to enter the competition on my Fb page.
Hope you’re as excited as I am. I’m slowly wearing a furrow in my floor.
Take it easy and stay safe out there, people.
Ben’s Books
My Gollum Impression
I was recently interviewed on Bookworm Blues, and I was foolish enough to claim my Gollum impression is the best you’ll hear. Of course, such madness was challenged. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
Ben’s Books
Drawing a New Emaneska Map
I’ve thrown together a timelapse of the whole map-making process. It’s a handy little thing Procreate does, and means you can see how many times I tried to draw a river… Also… The Forever King launches TWO WEEKS TODAY!
Ben’s Books
FANTASY AUTHOR LOUNGE #14 – Interview with Christian Cameron
I’m back with another Fantasy Author Lounge interview, and this month I’ve had the honour of being joined by none other than Christian / Miles Cameron! Author of over 40 books, from fantasy to sci-fi, he’s also a badass swordsman, reenactor, and a fountain of good humour.
Watch to find out about:
- writing what you know
- history’s influence on fantasy
- who would win between Christian and Conan
- how Game of Thrones is high school in armour
- how art makes art
- and orcs
Follow Christian at!
If you want to know more about me, you can follow me on Twitter @BenGalley or on Facebook and Instagram @BenGalleyAuthor.
Ben’s Books
Fantasy Author Lounge #14 – Interview with Christian / Miles Cameron
Ben’s Books
360º Writing Spot – Cox Bay Beach Tofino in 360º
Tech upgrade – just got myself a 360 degree camera and wanted to test it out during my recent trip to Tofino, on Vancouver Island.
Check out my latest writing spot in Cox Bay Beach.
If you want to know more about me or my books, you can follow me on Twitter @BenGalley or on Facebook and Instagram @BenGalleyAuthor.
Music by Epidemic Sound.